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Swap some items in the kingdom outpost shop
Topic Locked
jericosw Admin Member
30 posts
21 topics
2 months ago

In-Game Name (IGN): jerico_mc

Discord Tag: jerico_sw

Suggestion Title: Swap some items in the kingdom outpost shop

Suggestion Category: Economy & Other

Description: In the kingdom outpost shop, swap:

Flint to Feathers
Prismarine Crystals to Prismarine Shards
Blaze Powder to Pufferfish

Pros: Makes the outpost shop better by providing hard/boring to farm items instead of those that we can get in the regular /shop
(we can get flint by buying gravel, crystals by buying sealanterns, and there are already blaze rods in the outpost for powder)

Cons: May make the outpost too good, some of these items should maybe be rtp-only. You dont have to swap all that I suggest, but I hope you agree to some of them.

Additional Comments: Lovin' the new nations game mode for LS S4

Attachments: N/A




Disclaimer: By submitting this suggestion, I acknowledge that it is voluntary, and SiphonMC holds the right to review, modify, or reject the suggestion as deemed necessary. I understand that this is a community-driven process, and I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the server.


Last edited: 2 months ago
Senby Owner
Admin Moderator Member
174 posts
10 topics
Discord: senby8
2 months ago

Flint to Feathers - ill change this eventually
Prismarine Crystals to Prismarine Shards - ill change this eventually
Blaze Powder to Pufferfish - no

SiphonMC Owner

jericosw Admin Member
30 posts
21 topics
20 days ago

How about Blaze Powder to Cobwebs? Its so hard to find mineshafts to get some cobwebs.

Senby Owner
Admin Moderator Member
174 posts
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Discord: senby8
17 days ago

All done

SiphonMC Owner

jericosw Admin Member
30 posts
21 topics
16 days ago

Two more tiny changes:

Lower dragon breath cost to around 300 (from 3000)

Swap blaze powder to blaze rods (unless u dont want us to start brewing without killing a few blazes)

Senby Owner
Admin Moderator Member
174 posts
10 topics
Discord: senby8
4 days ago

I may lower dragon to 1500 or 1000 eventually.

Blaze no


SiphonMC Owner